Saturday, July 26, 2008

safari day 1, kili day 2

i can say with confidence that the safari 12 had an easier day than the kili 31, but am happy to report to all that BOTH groups are well, in good spirits, good health and at their respective locations for the night! i spoke with drew earlier this evening while he was hanging off teh side of kili to get cell service (you have to love technology!) and he said that they had arrived safely at their second base camp and all was well. they were getting ready for dinner and then worship and were hitting their tents early as tomorrow is a BIG day for them, so please continue to pray hard and pray strong for the health, safety, strength, endurance and will of each one on the mountain. as for the safari 12, anna blair, who is one of the wisest 9 year olds i have ever met made a very astute comment the other day that was confirmed in absolute truth today by the 12 of us. anna said, "animals are way cooler than hiking." NO DOUBT they are! today we say tons of zebras, a lion! a lioness with her kill, wildabeasts, wild boar hogs (i can't recall the real name), a giraffe, a rhino!, hipps, birds, gazelles, antelopes, ostriches, flamingos, a really rare cat that looks like a mini leopard (also can't recall name) - but the point is, animals are way cooler than hiking :-) there is no doubt that the presence of the Lord is here as we have had the opportunity to view some of his most exotic creations and landscapes, and they are nothing short of magnificant. need to scoot as i am on the hotel computer - as it turns out, there is no wireless or room internet, only one computer in the hotel with internet, so pictures are still on hold for now, but i promise good ones as soon as the wireless comes through - TIA!... but, so far so good for both groups - please continue to pray that the Lord will continue to work in each of hearts as we journey through this amazing experience.
love to all and God Bless,
anne genevieve